Terrible lion

A man dreamed that he was walking in a forest, so he felt a sigh behind him. When he turned around and looked behind him, a terrible lion was following him. He ran and came across a deep pit. This man peeked into the pit to kill himself and saw a huge snake sitting inside with its mouth open. Now it is very scary what to do if there is a dangerous snake in front then a terrible lion behind! So he saw a tree, it hung from its twig, but as soon as it hung on the twig, a new problem appeared, that is, a white and a black rat, both of them are cutting the root of this twig together. He was terrified that soon these two rats would bite the twig and I would fall and then become a bite of a lion and a snake. He was in such a dilemma that his eyes fell on the honeycomb and he started drinking honey and lost something in the taste of honey so that there was no fear of lion and snake nor fear of both rats. When the work was done, the branch suddenly cut off from the root and it fell down with a thud. The snake swallowed him and then his eye was opened. Interpretation of the dream: The elders explained the meaning of this dream as follows: O man! In fact, the pleasures of the world are like a dream that is lost in its colors. He is surely asleep. He will wake up when death comes. In the dream mentioned above, the forest refers to the world and the horrible lion is death which is behind it. The pit is in front of it. The honeycomb is the mortal pleasures of the world in which man forgets the lion, meaning death, the pit, the grave, the snake, the punishment for evil deeds, and the black and white rats, ie, day and night, but they are both rats, that is, day. And at night they cut off the twig of his life. As soon as his term is over, he dies. Lesson Guidance: Therefore, knowing that life is a spoil, one should do as many good deeds as possible and avoid sins. May He keep you safe and sound and save you from the torment of the grave.

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