About Course

Hifz Quran Course

Memorizing the Quran: Memorizing the Quran is the most form of worship. Allah عزوجل promises a great reward for the one who memorizes the Holy Quran, which is the wish of every Muslim to get a great reward from Allah عزوجل. The reward of memorizing the Quran is not only in this world but also in the here after. A Muslim who memorizes the Quran gets the title of Hafiz of the Quran. One of the most important Quranic courses is Quran memorization. Sometimes people do not have time to go to madrassas or Quran centers to memorize the Quran due to their busy schedules in life. Dear Quran Academy is providing opportunities to memorize Quran at home. We provide the best reliable and experienced instructors to teach you online Quran memorization.

How to take this Quran memorization course: All Muslims be they women or men, can join us in taking this course at any time whenever they feel better. The condition is that they should have the desire to memorize the Quran. We do not have any age limit for memorizing Quran. This course is for everyone. We have the best teaching methods to help you memorize the Quran in less time. Students who are able to read Quran with good skills are the best candidates for this course but those who cannot read with good skills can also join this course. Because we have designed this course in a very efficient and easy way keeping in mind the people of all categories.

In this course we will teach you..!
  • Memorizing the complete Holy Quran
  • Marking similarities
  • Ways of endowment
  • Beautiful rendering of verses
  • Reading the verses together
  • Apart from this, many others will also learn something. (ان شاءاللہ)
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