Hazrat Uzair (as) saw himself alive with his own eyes after 100 years

When King Bakht Nasr devastated Jerusalem and destroyed the Children of Israel, once Hazrat Ezra (as) passed by, he had with him a pot of dates and a cup of grape juice and he He rode on a donkey, wandered all over the town but did not find anyone there. The buildings of the town had collapsed. He said in amazement: Will do After that he tied his riding animal there and began to rest himself, in this condition his soul was seized and the donkey also died. This is the incident of the morning time. Seventy years later, Allah Almighty defeated one of the kings of Iran and he reached Jerusalem with his armies, settled it in a better way than before and in the children of Israel. The people who were left behind came here again and settled in Jerusalem and its environs and their number kept increasing. Throughout this period, Allah Almighty kept Hazrat Uzair (as) hidden from the eyes of the world and no one could see him. When his death was over, Allah Almighty revived him. Till the whole body was alive. The rest of the body was revived before your very eyes. The incident took place in the evening near sunset.

Allah Almighty said to Hazrat Uzair (as): How many days did you stay here? You guessed it, one day or less. You thought it was the evening of the day you slept in the morning. Allah Almighty said: You have stayed here for one hundred years. Look at your food and water, that is, the juice of the date palm and the grape, which is still intact. The body was rotten and the limbs were broken, only the white bones were shining. His limbs gathered before your eyes, the limbs came to their place, the flesh came on the bones, the flesh came on the flesh, the hair came out then the soul was breathed into him and he got up and started making noise. He observed the power of Allah and said: I know well that Allah is Able to do all things. Then he got on his horse and came to his mahalla. His head was holy and his beard was white. He was forty years old. No one knew him. Arriving at his house by guess, he found a weak old woman whose legs were left, she was blind, she was a slave of your house and she had seen you, you asked her if this was Ezra’s house He said yes, but where is Ezra, a hundred years have passed since he disappeared. Please tell, whats the story of them big puppys ….. He said: I am Uzair. He said: Glory be to Allah! How can it be ? He said: Allah has raised me from the dead for a hundred years. He said: Hazrat Uzair (PBUH) was a respondent to prayers, which would have been accepted while praying. Please pray that my eyes start seeing again so that I can see you with my own eyes. He prayed and the woman became blind. He took her by the hand and said: Arise by the command of God. As soon as he said this, his crippled feet were healed. He recognized you by looking at you and said I testify that you are indeed Hazrat Uzair (as). She took you to the neighborhood of Israel, where there were your children who were one hundred and eighteen years old and your grandchildren who were old. The old woman shouted in the assembly that Hazrat Uzair (as) had come. The members of the Majlis denied this woman. He said, “Look at me, my condition has improved with their prayers.” People got up and came to you. Your son said that there was a crescent of black hair between my father’s shoulders, that is, the moon. There was no one who knew him. You read all the Torah orally. One man said: “I learned from my father that my grandfather had buried the Torah in a place at the time of his arrest after the persecution of Bakht Nasr. I know his address. There was no difference of one letter when it was compared with the Torah written by Hazrat Uzair (as) from his memory.



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