Kidnapping for ransom and the effect of mother’s prayer

Hazrat Abdul Rahman bin Ahmad (may Allah have mercy on him) narrates from his father that once an old woman came to the house of Hazrat Syedna Baqi bin Mukhlid (may Allah have mercy on him) and in a very sad manner said: Holy Prophet! My young son is being held captive by the Romans and his soul is being chained and subjected to their oppression. I do not have enough money to pay the ransom. I own only a small house that I can’t even sell. I don’t have a moment’s peace. For God’s sake ! Have mercy on my plight If you say (may Allah have mercy on him) as a person, he will free my son by paying a ransom and in this way I will be destined.

Hearing these loving words of this old mother, he (may Allah have mercy on him) reassured her and said: Madam! Trust in Allah Almighty, He will surely be gracious. I hope to resolve your issue. Don’t worry. The narrator says that when the old woman left the place, she sat down with her head bowed. Your blessed lips moved and you began to read something but we could not hear your words. He remained in this state for a long time. Some time later, the same old woman with her young son came to the service of him. She was praying for you and thanking you. Then she said: Holy Prophet! With your blessings, my son has been released from prison by Allah Almighty. This incident is very strange. He wants to narrate the incident of his own release to you. Hearing this, he said: O young man! Tell me your story. He said that when I was taken prisoner by the Romans, they joined me with some other prisoners. They would do much harder work than us. Then we sent some prisoners to a high official. He owned many gardens and owned a large estate. He would put shackles on our feet and send soldiers to work in his fields and fields under the supervision of soldiers. We were chained all day. Acting like animals, we would be put back in prison in the evening. In this way we were enduring hardships in their captivity.

One day when we were being brought back to the prison in the evening, all of a sudden the strong shackles tied around my feet broke and fell on the ground. When the soldiers got the news, they ran towards me Why did you break the shackles? I said: The shackles are broken automatically. I didn’t even touch them. If you don’t believe me, ask the two prisoners. He immediately called a blacksmith and said: Make strong shackles for this young man. The blacksmith made strong shackles from the first shackles and I was bound again. Right now I must have walked a few steps in these shackles so that they too would break and fall on the ground automatically. The monk heard the whole conversation and asked me: O young man! Is your mother alive? I said: Yes, thank God! My mother is alive. The monk listened to me and turned to them and said: The mother of this young man has prayed for him. His prayers have kept this young man under his siege and Allah Almighty has accepted his mother’s prayers. Now, no matter how strong the chains you hold him, he will still be free, so the best thing is to set him free. The Romans freed me and left me to the Islamic limit. When this young man was asked about the day and time when his shackles were broken, it was the day when he grew up in the presence of Hazrat Syed Baqi bin Mukhlid (may Allah have mercy on him). She was present and asked for prayers and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) prayed for her son. The same day and at the same time the young man had the incident in Rome. Thus, with the prayers of the mother and the blessings of God Almighty, this young man was released.
In his eyes he saw the destiny of thousands changing

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